Friday, May 22, 2009

The Strange Actions of Hali Furness

Hali was having a very hard day today and she did a couple of really weird things. This is why her life "sucks"
  • She said her life sucks
  • She misses the seniors
  • She can't make a freakin basket
  • She sobbed and fell on the floor
  • She got a freakin paper caught on the freakin light
  • Her freakin necklace got caught in her hair and made a big knot in her hair
  • Her final is at her house
  • She got paper in her hair because she had to clean the freakin light

Poor Hali obviously had a hard day today:) haha

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Describing My Family

If i could describe my family in one word it would day some of us are happy and some of us are grumpy and then it switches around. Now i'll describe each of my family members with one word
  • Dad-Sarcastic (both nice and mean)
  • Mom- Patient
  • Andra-Witty
  • Josie-Stubborn
  • Maci-Spoiled
  • Charli-Energetic

I love my family very much:)

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Sister that gets me in trouble

I am very close with my older sister Andra. But sometimes she can be pretty bossy and deceitful. One day when i was about 3 or 4 my older sister Andra and I were just lying in bed one night. Andra was about 6 or 7 so i thought she was pretty cool. She said, "Hey Alli why don't you go and ask mom if we can watch Hercules?" I thought that was a terrific idea and even though my mom had already put us to bed i went upstairs to ask her if we could watch it.
"No its late and we don't have that movie," my mom told me. "Go to bed."
Well that made me feel a little sad, so i went back to bed. i told andra what my mom had said and she said oh. She then said, "Go and ask mom if we can watch Pocahontas." After she said this i was pretty sure that we didn't have Pocahontas. I told Andra this and she said, "Mom just bought it today." Oh wow! i didn't know that! i was so excited so i went upstairs and asked my mom if we could watch Pocahontas.
"We don't have that show Alli," my mom said. "Now go to bed and don't come up again or you will get a spankin.
I was heartbroken after this one, so i went downstairs and told andra. i told her that i couldn't go up again because i didn't want to get in trouble. we sat there for a while when she said. "Go and ask mom if we can watch Sleeping Beauty." Now as a youngster i was a big fan of Sleeping Beauty. She was my all time favorite princess and i loved her show. This time i knew for sure that we didn't have this one because i would've watched it a lot. I told andra that but she told me that my mom had just gotten it today. Being a naiive little 3 year old who loved princesses, i ran upstairs and asked my mom if i could watch Sleeping Beauty. My mom said no we didn't have that show and i was going to get a spankin. I did in fact get a spankin and went to bed crying.
Andra of course didn't feel bad and did other things to trick my innocent mind.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Thoughts of Someone Realizing Their Zipper is Undone

  • Last time i did one of these i did the thoughts of someone picking their nose. This time i'll do the thoughts of someone realizing that their zipper is undone.

Oh man that guy was cute. Well i better go to class. -Looks done and see that her zipper is wide open- cows are getting out of the correl, bats are flying out of the cave, xyz , 2319, yeah like a baby opening their mouth for a bite of food

Oh my Gosh!! I can't believe i didn't pull my zipper up! i hope that guy didn't notice. -Hurries and gets books and holds them in front of the open zipper, she's looking around as she walks. Then when she gets in class she slouches a little in her seat so the zipper is straight. Then she looks around to see if people are watching her. when they aren't she hurries and pulls up the zipper and sticks it up at the top to make sure it never happens again!!

  • This is always embarrassing when this happens, and it has happened to me before.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Breaking Rakes

I have broken many things in my short lifetime. Most of the things i have broken are farming equipment that belongs to my father. I'm not a very good raker, but i never quit!:) Here are some stories...
  1. One day i was raking a field at about 2 or 3 in the morning. It was very dark and i couldn't see anything except for the hay ahead of me. So while i was turning around, i didn't realize i was straddling the dike.
  2. Another one is when i was raking some wet hay and my dad was baling behind me. I was doing good that day, but then i tried to fit between the telephone pole and the canal. This didn't work very good and my rake bounced up on the canal. When it came back down one of the rakes was bent in half. My dad was ticked so he told me to go and switch andra rakes. While i was one my way there, i hit my dad's baler with my rakes.
  3. My last experience that i will share is when i was pulling my rakes apart, i accidently forgot to pull my rakes apart the farthest that they could go. I then flung my rakes into each other and got them stuck together. This was really expensive to fix, but its better now.:)

there are many other times that i have broken equipment, but i just won't share them all.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Favorite Foods

I love food! I think it is the most amazing thing that is on the are my top 5 favorite breakfasts...
  1. Rolled up pancakes
  2. Buttermilk pancakes
  3. Eggs, bacon, and orange juice
  4. German Pancakes
  5. Waffles

I also love dinner!

  1. Spaghetti
  2. Steak and potatoes(any meat with potatoes)
  3. Chicken and potatoes
  4. Aggie Chicken
  5. Burritoes

I also love DESSERT!!!!

  1. Volcano cakes
  2. Warm chocolate cookies
  3. Darn Good chocolate cake
  4. Brownies
  5. Caramel Cakes

400 Mondays

400 Mondays are the worst days of the week. All you do is run around the track and try to get the same time ever time.(But we do this 8 times) They usually aren't too bad, but yesterdays was complete torture. After the first one, i could tell that today was going to be a long day. When we got to about the 150 meter mark. My legs were jello and they wouldn't move at all. Then my chest started to hurt from breathing at about the 3rd one and my shoulder was aching. Our coach kept telling us to run it off, but i couldn't give anymore. After the 4th one, we finally got to go and get a drink. While we were inside, my eyelids wouldn't stay up and i couldn't walk very steadily. We came back and did the 5th one, which wasn't very good. The 6th one is where i finally fell apart. I almost started crying when people would talk to me and i felt like i couldn't do 2 more. Amazingly i did, and i almost crying because i was so happy that we were done. These are the workouts that are going to help me to get to state.

Monday, April 27, 2009

How you know when you have a true friend:)

  1. You tell her that she is bothering you, but you both don't get mad
  2. You cry when she cries
  3. You laugh at stupid things that you've both said or heard on a movie
  4. You get annoyed with her, but you love her anyway
  5. You can tell her anything and she'll love you for whatever it is
  6. She gives you advice even if you don't want it
  7. You tell each other your hungry
  8. You get a drink at the other's house without asking
  9. You argue about almost everything, but you agree about almost everything
  10. You love her no matter what she does

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ode to my Feet

Oh my dear feet how i take you for granted.
You are the base that carries me around.
You may be long and veiny
Your toes may be bent and long,
but I appreciate you so.
You freeze in the snow and boil on the track,
but without you i would be stuck.
I know i complain about your largeness and ugliness,
but please forgive for complaining.
I try to make you lovely with polish and shoes,
but you are beautiful in your own special way.
God forgive me when i whine
I have two feet the world is mine.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Funny things my Friends do...

My friends have weird little quirks that they do so i'll name a few and see if you can guess who they are...
Friend #1
  1. She makes a weird humming noise after she says something serious
  2. She quotes Robin Hood a lot
  3. She gets mad when she doesn't know why the answer is what it is
  4. She likes to argue with me a lot
  5. She has an interesting stomach
  6. I added this one for fun...she got a bobby pin stuck in her teeth
  7. Oh yeah and she sniffs really loud when she plays the piano

Friend #2

  1. When she gets mad she doesn't act like it
  2. She says random funny things! haha
  3. She gets excited over new things

Friend #3

  1. Goes gah! when she gets annoyed
  2. Makes a weird rabbit face
  3. She likes her tepee to be friend free:) haha
  4. She tried to show off in dance and fell

Haha they do some funny things but i still love them. Now here are some weird things i do...

  1. Say poppycoff instead of poppycock
  2. Say bummer crack instead of plummer crack
  3. Say stupid things a lot
  4. I like to karate chop wood
  5. I do weird basketball moves that don't work
  6. I'm just a weirdo!

Bad Guy Gone Good

Hello I am the step-mother on Cinderella. Everyone thinks of me as the evil step mother but i have my reasons for being a little selfish. You see i married Cinderella's father because i was in love, everyone thought it was for the money, but it wasn't. It grieves me so that some people think so ill of me. Anyway, after he died, i was heartbroken. I wanted all three of my girls to have the best lives imaginable, but Cinderella was quite the snob. She said, "Stepmother, i want nothing to do with you." So i thought fine, you can clean if you have that attitude. So she did. Everyday i told her, "Oh you don't have to do that." But she always says, "Leave me alone!" then i go and cry because i love her so much. So one day her dog attacked my cat Lucifer, she named it that by the way." She didn't even try to stop him, and poor Lucifer got hurt. Cinderella also had mice as friends. Nobody wants mice in their home, and i just thought it was rude that she feed them and let them roam where they pleased. It wasn't even her house. One day i was singing with my girls, they aren't very good singers, and i heard a knock on the door. Cinderella got it and tried to hide what the messenger brought for me. With my fast skills i got it and found out that they were having a ball. I offered to buy her a dress but she declined my offer with a snort. So she made herself a dress with all of my girls' things and she didn't even ask. I told her to take them off, but she had a fit and ripped up her new dress. We couldn't wait any longer so we left. After she accidently locked herself in her room and blamed it on me. Oh well she married the prince anyway, i'm just glad she's gone.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

10 things your can do with your lips/mouth

"It takes 64 muscles of the face to make a frown, and only thirteen to make a smile. Why work overtime?"
-Old Saying

"The best way to wake up with a smile on your face is to go to bed with one already there."

-Richard C. Miller

"Smiling is the second best thing you can do with your mouth."

-Bumper Sticker
  1. Smile
  2. Kiss
  3. Gangster Face

  4. Eat
  5. Bite an Enemy
  6. Cheer for someone
  7. Talk
  8. Frown
  9. Keep air from coming out
  10. Laughing!

"Laughter is the sunshine; it chases winter away from the human face."

7 signs not to go on a Second Date!

So a guy asks you out here are some signs that one date is enough...
  1. If he does any gross bodily functions (picks his nose, farts, burps, scratches his armpit or somewhere else)
  2. He texts other people while your with him! (so rude)
  3. He tries to kiss you
  4. He ignores you if your doubling with someone
  5. He doesn't open ANY doors for you (i know we can get out ourselves but its polite)
  6. He talks about his ex-girlfriend the whole time
  7. He tells you in front of everyone that something is wrong with you (your zipper is undone, you have a booger in your nose, you smell weird, you eat like a horse)

I think if a guy ever does this its a Never again!!!


you think you don't want to do it
you think you can't make it
you don't want to be there
then you feel weak and lose...
then you change
you know you want this win
you know you can do it
you want to be there
then you are strong and win...
2008 4 by 400 State Champions!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Holdaway Ghost!!!!!!!

The Holdaway Ghost is a little person who roams around our house and does little tricks and such...These are some of the little deeds the "Ghost did"
  • Wiping not just one booger on our walls. One in our bedroom and one in the living room
  • They riped my scriptures
  • They stole the keys to the camper so we couldn't go camping
  • Wiped chocolate on my mirror
  • They broke one of the candles and got us all in trouble for not confessing

So are you wondering who ended up being the Holdaway Ghost? They are more than one person they are...

  • Josie Holdaway
  • Taylor Holdaway
  • Jordi Holdaway
  • Crue Holdaway

Notice that most of these youngsters are not my siblings. They are my dear cousins that get me in trouble a lot of the time. But i still love them dearly, luckily i think the Holdaway Ghost has died for the time being...Until Charli gets older:/

My Date with A College Guy

"I got you a date with this college guy." These are the words i read in the text my sister sent me on wednesday. Sweet this will be fun i thought. I was wrong. First they picked me up and he was laughing at nothing. Then he told me what we would be doing for that night. Me and Andra would be acting as their girlfriends from California. Our names would be Cierra and Angel. This, they thought, would be an extremely funny April Fool's joke. So we were on our way there and my date Chris said, "Let's ride this cop." then he laughed his odd laugh. "Then us and our girlfriends would go to jail." I thought i am Not your girlfriend. Then he told me about his fasinating job as manager for his high school volleyball team. Then we got to the place and he told all of his friends that we were their girlfriends. Then we watched the Furious Five aka sequel to Kong Fu Panda and he quothed THE WHOLE movie. He also asked me if he could put his arm around me and acted like we weren't just pretending. Then he told all of his friends that me and him did it!!!! EW!!!!! then he did a stupid Kong Fu Panda dance. The only good thing i got was icecream and i can say i dated a college guy:)

Our Cats!

Cats are not my favorite animal. They rub on you and just lay around so i just don't like them. Last summer, we got some great news! Our two cats were pregnant! oh joy. One day my sister and i were just chilling outside when i happened to notice our cats bum. it had red blood all over it and my sister was petting it! Gross! lick your bottom! So i grabbed Charli and washed her hands and set out to find the kittens. i found them, but i was NOT going to touch the little premature things, so i ordered Josie to: and she did:) haha About a week after i casually walked out our front door, when i saw our cat in our flower pot giving birth to her cats...well that was thoughtful. Could the cat not go somewhere private? I mean giving birth is kind of sacred. So again i commanded Josie to move them elsewhere and she did. Now we have 12 cats!! Now they are grown and 4 have died, but no worries our cats are pregnant...AGAIN!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Cutest Songs Ever!!

(Verse) The first time i saw you, you were all alone.
You had no one to talk to, you had no one to love.
then i came up to you oh baby...
(Chorus) Knowing you Knowing you Knowing you
was the greatest part of my life
but sometimes when i think about you, i feel blue
Knowing you
(Verse) The first time you saw me, i was all alone.
i had no one to talk to, i had no one to love (to love)
then you came up to me and said let's go to the prom
you can be the prom queen...oh baby
The song was written by Alli Holdaway at age 7

(Verse) There's a boy in my class who gets made fun of a lot cuz he is very different
he speaks Chinese and he eats all his peas and he smells like cheese and crackers
one day he was sick and tired of all their mean remarks, soooo he barks...
(Chorus) Die and burn to ashes. watch as your time passes. Die and burn to ashes!
Cuz you made fun of me!!!
(Verse) There's a girl in my class who gets made fun of a lot cuz she is very different
she's kinda fat and she wears a stupid hat and she brings her pet rat to school
one day she was sick and tired of all their mean remarks, soooo she barks...
So this different guy and this different girl got together to make a plan
they talked all day and they talked all night, how were they ever gonna make things right?
Finally they made a plan. everyone was gonna...
(Chorus but instead of me say us)
The next day everyone died!
They came alive there were zombies on the earth, they trampled over fat girl and chinese.
I can't remember the rest of the song...
This song was written by Andra, Alli, and Presli Holdaway at about age 8 or 9


he is very Charming and says all the right things...
he makes an effort to talk to me
he compliments me and is a lot of fun to be around.

he's Annoying and gets on my nerves...
he is really nice to me when he wants to be but we get mad at each other a lot
he doesn't talk to me unless he wants to and tries to make me jealous

he's Funny and easy to talk to...
he listens and is sometimes mean to me in a nice way
he is a very good friend and is always friendly

he's Obsessive and wants to talk to me all of the time...
he asks me the same questions all of the time
he is a very nice and sensitive guy

he's Different and we have nothing in common...
he talks kind of loud and tries to be my "type
he is very kind and tries to make me feel comfortable

he's Positive and has a contagious laugh...
he has great manners and there are never awkward turtles
he likes to have a good time and is always happy

So which one should it be? Charming, Annoying, Funny, Obsessive, Different, or Positive? I think boys are all kind of odd in their own ways! That's why we just call them all Guys!

That's So Raven

So everyone knows Raven is pretty much The Best Show on tv, but lately they haven't been playing it much ever since Hannah Montana:( came around. Here are some of the funniest things Raven and the cast has said:)
  • So many shoes but only two feet. I wish i could buy every pair that i meet.
  • Normal ain't cool...Normal ain't cool...(Boys) hey you just made that up. (Raven) Ok ya got me.
  • Ever since the day i was born, my mother fed us sweet yellow corn. And so i nibbet and eat up all the cob soak it with butter, even a glob. And even in my teeth it was a stickiiiin OH! my love is burned for my mom's deep fried...Chicken Chicken Chicken! oh did i say chicken i meant celery. My mom's deep fried Celery:)
  • Well every body...what happened between me and the boys, stays between me and they boys.
  • Snack Time is OVER!!
  • This is all, your fault...hissssssss!
  • (Cory)Please sister dearest he'll never make it through the winter can he just have one marshmellow? (Raven)Fine, but only if he can catch it...with his mouth! haha i'm such a bossy boose.
  • (Eddie)The Boys in Motion! nick nack patty whack
  • I was like huh hu and she was like huh huh and i was like...
  • Quit your blubberin Applebomb you are a disgrace get outta here! i ain't playin with you
  • Ya Nasty!
  • The Original Extreme!
  • They are Canada. I mean once you've broken every bone in your've done it all!
  • (Raven)The three muskateers, (Eddie)the three amigos (Chelsea) Yeah the three blind mice! well that wasn't really far cuz you guys took all the good ones.
  • All the parents in the house say hey ho!
  • That darn Cory!
  • (Chelsea) Ray why don't we have any nicknames..(Raven) Ok biscuithead
  • The good news is we finished the project, the bad news is, we have to burn the couch.
  • Oh Snap!

Obviously That's So Raven is a very funny show! I think that need to get rid of Hannah Montana and keep playing Raven. LONG LIVE RAVEN!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


      • Why is a question asked by all ages...
  • Why is the sky blue?
  • Why do kitties say meow?
  • Why do i have to go to bed?
  • Why is it raining?
  • Why do i have to go to school tomorrow?
  • Why do i have so much homework?
  • Why are cookies yummy?
  • Why do i have to eat my vegetables?
  • Why doesn't Santa go to some of the children in Africa?
  • Why doesn't he like me?
  • Why do i have to clean the house?
  • Why do we get sick?
  • Why do i care what other people think of me?
  • Why did i have so many kids?
  • Why does he ignore me?

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Some have answers that we might never find out:)

Ode to Charli

I guess today is just a day to think about my dear sister Charli. She has a fairly large vocabulary for a one year old that she uses in her simple everyday actvities. Here are some of her favorite words...
  • Al or Alli
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Anja
  • Jos
  • Da-Maci
  • Chari
  • Kitty
  • Sof Sof
  • Ba Ba
  • Cracker
  • Cookie
  • Hee ya
  • All animals...pig is a large suck in of breath:) haha ask me and i'll demonstrate:)
  • Caca-necklace

She is a very gifted girl. She also can...

  • hiss when we ask what Alli says
  • dance
  • Sing Laaaa
  • Do the splits
  • Spin in a very fast circle
  • Play the piano
  • She can put on any pair of shoes
  • She can jump onto a bean bag

I just love my little sister and we are very close. One day maybe she will be as cool as her older sister Alli:)

Why i shouldn't have kids for a very long time

Tears wouldn't stop streaming down my face as i stared at the ceiling in my little sister's room. It was 3 in the morning and my sister was bawling. I had been trying to put her back to sleep but she kept crying and crying. Why won't she take her bottle? Why won't she just go back to sleep? I had held her in my arms every different way that i knew but the little angel just wouldn't go back to sleep. That is when i just gave up and layed on the ground and we cried together. I think we both cried ourselves to sleep, but after ten minutes, she woke up again. I asked my other sister to take her for a while because i had only gotten 2 hours of sleep and i was going crazy. My next turn was at 4:30 and finally my dear sister fell asleep. She slept in my bed and took up most of the room, but at least she was asleep. It was too bad that i had church the next day becuase i had to get up at 7. That is why i am not having kids for a very long time.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weird Disney Names:)

Who makes up the names for Disney Villians? Where did Cruella Deville and Mordred of the King Arthur legends come from? Here are more weird Disney villians names you might not have thought were weird at first:

  • Ratcliffe-Pocahontas
  • Medusa-Rescuers
  • Shan Yu-Mulan
  • Madam Mim-The Sword and the Stone
  • Rasbuten-Anastasia
  • Frollo-Hunchback of Notre Dame

These are all weird names of villians in 6 famous Disney movies.

Good people also have some weird names. Here are 6 weird good guys/gals names:

  • Chim Po-Mulan
  • Mufasa-The Lion King
  • Cogsworth-The clock on Beauty and the Beast
  • Philatetes-Hercules
  • Odette-The Swan Princess
  • Thumbelina-Thumbelina

The Three Little Pigs

Hello everyone, I am Walter Wolf, my friends call me Wally. I'm here to tell my story of the three little pigs. They make me sound like an ignorant animal who doesn't care if they ruin someone's house. Well this is how my story starts,
I was taking my daily walk around the forest, because I believe physical fitness is very important, when I noticed three fat pigs just sitting on the ground. I said to myself, I wonder why they don't participate in physical activity. Since I'm not one to criticize others, I kept that to myself. Instead, I went up to the lazy pigs and said, "Excuse me friends, do ye not have a place to stay?"
The fattest one, who acted like the leader, said, "What's it to ya?"
I was shocked at his ignorance. "Well I don't want anyone to be uncomfortable, so if you need my help I would be happy to help you build some houses."
"Yeah go ahead make us three houses that are at least 1500 square feet."
"Ok I'll start now if you guys want to help," I agreed.
All three pigs started snorting and laughing. "No you make it," the leader said.
So I got to work. I started with the littlest pig's first because he wanted his made of straw. I worked on his house for three hours and finally it was done. Next I started working on the middle pig's house. His stick house took about five hours because he wanted two floors. Then I started on the leader's house. He wanted brick so it took me two days before I completed his house. Exhausted, I went to the pigs and told them the houses were done. The first pig looked at his house and said, "That looks horrible." He then got a match and set all of my hard work on fire. He was lucky I had been seeing a psychiatrist. The next pig looked at his house and said, "That looks like crap." He too set the house on fire. I started doing my exercises to control my temper so I wouldn't hurt my new friends.
I was a little nervous when the leader took a look at his house. His exact words were, "I could build a house better than you stupid wolf." That did it, and I admit it, I lost it. I started chasing them. What else was I supposed to do? They all ran into the leader's house. I started banging on the door, but then I remembered some words my mother always used to say to me, "Count to ten." I started counting and soon was calm enough to walk away. Later that day I was called to court for destroying the pigs' houses. Luckily, I just got a warning and was sent on my way. Those pigs say I was the bad guy when really, I was taken advantage of because of my kind, serving spirit.

The Thoughts and Actions of Someone Picking their Nose

  • Someone wiser than me once said, "Everyone picks their nose once in their lives, some are just better at hiding it than others."

Have you ever wondered what someone is thinking when they are about to pick a large booger out of their nose? It's an awkward stage in life, but once in a while you have to pick one that just won't come out with a kleenex.

The first thought would probably be "Achoo Achoo. Oh there is a bat in the cave that is tickling the walls."

The next would be: "Well I don't really want to go up in the middle of class, so I'll just try to get it." This is when you look around to make sure no one is watching the crime you are about to commit. "Good no one is looking." Then you bring you arms up to your face so you look like you are just resting your bored head. This is a distraction so no one knows your one little finger is going digging...for gold.

Oh great! Someone just looked at you. This is when you hurry and snap your finger out of your nose and you smile. Then you start making sure the coast is clear again. Ok you have to be faster this time. You go in "the position", reach up and hurrah hurrah you got it! The question is, "now what do i do with it?"