Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Three Little Pigs

Hello everyone, I am Walter Wolf, my friends call me Wally. I'm here to tell my story of the three little pigs. They make me sound like an ignorant animal who doesn't care if they ruin someone's house. Well this is how my story starts,
I was taking my daily walk around the forest, because I believe physical fitness is very important, when I noticed three fat pigs just sitting on the ground. I said to myself, I wonder why they don't participate in physical activity. Since I'm not one to criticize others, I kept that to myself. Instead, I went up to the lazy pigs and said, "Excuse me friends, do ye not have a place to stay?"
The fattest one, who acted like the leader, said, "What's it to ya?"
I was shocked at his ignorance. "Well I don't want anyone to be uncomfortable, so if you need my help I would be happy to help you build some houses."
"Yeah go ahead make us three houses that are at least 1500 square feet."
"Ok I'll start now if you guys want to help," I agreed.
All three pigs started snorting and laughing. "No you make it," the leader said.
So I got to work. I started with the littlest pig's first because he wanted his made of straw. I worked on his house for three hours and finally it was done. Next I started working on the middle pig's house. His stick house took about five hours because he wanted two floors. Then I started on the leader's house. He wanted brick so it took me two days before I completed his house. Exhausted, I went to the pigs and told them the houses were done. The first pig looked at his house and said, "That looks horrible." He then got a match and set all of my hard work on fire. He was lucky I had been seeing a psychiatrist. The next pig looked at his house and said, "That looks like crap." He too set the house on fire. I started doing my exercises to control my temper so I wouldn't hurt my new friends.
I was a little nervous when the leader took a look at his house. His exact words were, "I could build a house better than you stupid wolf." That did it, and I admit it, I lost it. I started chasing them. What else was I supposed to do? They all ran into the leader's house. I started banging on the door, but then I remembered some words my mother always used to say to me, "Count to ten." I started counting and soon was calm enough to walk away. Later that day I was called to court for destroying the pigs' houses. Luckily, I just got a warning and was sent on my way. Those pigs say I was the bad guy when really, I was taken advantage of because of my kind, serving spirit.

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