Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Thoughts and Actions of Someone Picking their Nose

  • Someone wiser than me once said, "Everyone picks their nose once in their lives, some are just better at hiding it than others."

Have you ever wondered what someone is thinking when they are about to pick a large booger out of their nose? It's an awkward stage in life, but once in a while you have to pick one that just won't come out with a kleenex.

The first thought would probably be "Achoo Achoo. Oh there is a bat in the cave that is tickling the walls."

The next would be: "Well I don't really want to go up in the middle of class, so I'll just try to get it." This is when you look around to make sure no one is watching the crime you are about to commit. "Good no one is looking." Then you bring you arms up to your face so you look like you are just resting your bored head. This is a distraction so no one knows your one little finger is going digging...for gold.

Oh great! Someone just looked at you. This is when you hurry and snap your finger out of your nose and you smile. Then you start making sure the coast is clear again. Ok you have to be faster this time. You go in "the position", reach up and hurrah hurrah you got it! The question is, "now what do i do with it?"


  1. This post was hilarious. I could picture someone doing this and have often caught kids while teaching...Let's just say it is very awkward! Good writing...very descriptive.

  2. Ha! I knew that was what you were doing when I looked back there! you thought you were bein sneaky didn't you! haha! jk girly :)
