Sunday, April 12, 2009

7 signs not to go on a Second Date!

So a guy asks you out here are some signs that one date is enough...
  1. If he does any gross bodily functions (picks his nose, farts, burps, scratches his armpit or somewhere else)
  2. He texts other people while your with him! (so rude)
  3. He tries to kiss you
  4. He ignores you if your doubling with someone
  5. He doesn't open ANY doors for you (i know we can get out ourselves but its polite)
  6. He talks about his ex-girlfriend the whole time
  7. He tells you in front of everyone that something is wrong with you (your zipper is undone, you have a booger in your nose, you smell weird, you eat like a horse)

I think if a guy ever does this its a Never again!!!

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