Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ode to Charli

I guess today is just a day to think about my dear sister Charli. She has a fairly large vocabulary for a one year old that she uses in her simple everyday actvities. Here are some of her favorite words...
  • Al or Alli
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Anja
  • Jos
  • Da-Maci
  • Chari
  • Kitty
  • Sof Sof
  • Ba Ba
  • Cracker
  • Cookie
  • Hee ya
  • All animals...pig is a large suck in of breath:) haha ask me and i'll demonstrate:)
  • Caca-necklace

She is a very gifted girl. She also can...

  • hiss when we ask what Alli says
  • dance
  • Sing Laaaa
  • Do the splits
  • Spin in a very fast circle
  • Play the piano
  • She can put on any pair of shoes
  • She can jump onto a bean bag

I just love my little sister and we are very close. One day maybe she will be as cool as her older sister Alli:)

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