Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Favorite Foods

I love food! I think it is the most amazing thing that is on the earth...here are my top 5 favorite breakfasts...
  1. Rolled up pancakes
  2. Buttermilk pancakes
  3. Eggs, bacon, and orange juice
  4. German Pancakes
  5. Waffles

I also love dinner!

  1. Spaghetti
  2. Steak and potatoes(any meat with potatoes)
  3. Chicken and potatoes
  4. Aggie Chicken
  5. Burritoes

I also love DESSERT!!!!

  1. Volcano cakes
  2. Warm chocolate cookies
  3. Darn Good chocolate cake
  4. Brownies
  5. Caramel Cakes

400 Mondays

400 Mondays are the worst days of the week. All you do is run around the track and try to get the same time ever time.(But we do this 8 times) They usually aren't too bad, but yesterdays was complete torture. After the first one, i could tell that today was going to be a long day. When we got to about the 150 meter mark. My legs were jello and they wouldn't move at all. Then my chest started to hurt from breathing at about the 3rd one and my shoulder was aching. Our coach kept telling us to run it off, but i couldn't give anymore. After the 4th one, we finally got to go and get a drink. While we were inside, my eyelids wouldn't stay up and i couldn't walk very steadily. We came back and did the 5th one, which wasn't very good. The 6th one is where i finally fell apart. I almost started crying when people would talk to me and i felt like i couldn't do 2 more. Amazingly i did, and i almost crying because i was so happy that we were done. These are the workouts that are going to help me to get to state.

Monday, April 27, 2009

How you know when you have a true friend:)

  1. You tell her that she is bothering you, but you both don't get mad
  2. You cry when she cries
  3. You laugh at stupid things that you've both said or heard on a movie
  4. You get annoyed with her, but you love her anyway
  5. You can tell her anything and she'll love you for whatever it is
  6. She gives you advice even if you don't want it
  7. You tell each other your hungry
  8. You get a drink at the other's house without asking
  9. You argue about almost everything, but you agree about almost everything
  10. You love her no matter what she does

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ode to my Feet

Oh my dear feet how i take you for granted.
You are the base that carries me around.
You may be long and veiny
Your toes may be bent and long,
but I appreciate you so.
You freeze in the snow and boil on the track,
but without you i would be stuck.
I know i complain about your largeness and ugliness,
but please forgive for complaining.
I try to make you lovely with polish and shoes,
but you are beautiful in your own special way.
God forgive me when i whine
I have two feet the world is mine.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Funny things my Friends do...

My friends have weird little quirks that they do so i'll name a few and see if you can guess who they are...
Friend #1
  1. She makes a weird humming noise after she says something serious
  2. She quotes Robin Hood a lot
  3. She gets mad when she doesn't know why the answer is what it is
  4. She likes to argue with me a lot
  5. She has an interesting stomach
  6. I added this one for fun...she got a bobby pin stuck in her teeth
  7. Oh yeah and she sniffs really loud when she plays the piano

Friend #2

  1. When she gets mad she doesn't act like it
  2. She says random funny things! haha
  3. She gets excited over new things

Friend #3

  1. Goes gah! when she gets annoyed
  2. Makes a weird rabbit face
  3. She likes her tepee to be friend free:) haha
  4. She tried to show off in dance and fell

Haha they do some funny things but i still love them. Now here are some weird things i do...

  1. Say poppycoff instead of poppycock
  2. Say bummer crack instead of plummer crack
  3. Say stupid things a lot
  4. I like to karate chop wood
  5. I do weird basketball moves that don't work
  6. I'm just a weirdo!

Bad Guy Gone Good

Hello I am the step-mother on Cinderella. Everyone thinks of me as the evil step mother but i have my reasons for being a little selfish. You see i married Cinderella's father because i was in love, everyone thought it was for the money, but it wasn't. It grieves me so that some people think so ill of me. Anyway, after he died, i was heartbroken. I wanted all three of my girls to have the best lives imaginable, but Cinderella was quite the snob. She said, "Stepmother, i want nothing to do with you." So i thought fine, you can clean if you have that attitude. So she did. Everyday i told her, "Oh you don't have to do that." But she always says, "Leave me alone!" then i go and cry because i love her so much. So one day her dog attacked my cat Lucifer, she named it that by the way." She didn't even try to stop him, and poor Lucifer got hurt. Cinderella also had mice as friends. Nobody wants mice in their home, and i just thought it was rude that she feed them and let them roam where they pleased. It wasn't even her house. One day i was singing with my girls, they aren't very good singers, and i heard a knock on the door. Cinderella got it and tried to hide what the messenger brought for me. With my fast skills i got it and found out that they were having a ball. I offered to buy her a dress but she declined my offer with a snort. So she made herself a dress with all of my girls' things and she didn't even ask. I told her to take them off, but she had a fit and ripped up her new dress. We couldn't wait any longer so we left. After she accidently locked herself in her room and blamed it on me. Oh well she married the prince anyway, i'm just glad she's gone.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

10 things your can do with your lips/mouth

"It takes 64 muscles of the face to make a frown, and only thirteen to make a smile. Why work overtime?"
-Old Saying

"The best way to wake up with a smile on your face is to go to bed with one already there."

-Richard C. Miller

"Smiling is the second best thing you can do with your mouth."

-Bumper Sticker
  1. Smile
  2. Kiss
  3. Gangster Face

  4. Eat
  5. Bite an Enemy
  6. Cheer for someone
  7. Talk
  8. Frown
  9. Keep air from coming out
  10. Laughing!

"Laughter is the sunshine; it chases winter away from the human face."

7 signs not to go on a Second Date!

So a guy asks you out here are some signs that one date is enough...
  1. If he does any gross bodily functions (picks his nose, farts, burps, scratches his armpit or somewhere else)
  2. He texts other people while your with him! (so rude)
  3. He tries to kiss you
  4. He ignores you if your doubling with someone
  5. He doesn't open ANY doors for you (i know we can get out ourselves but its polite)
  6. He talks about his ex-girlfriend the whole time
  7. He tells you in front of everyone that something is wrong with you (your zipper is undone, you have a booger in your nose, you smell weird, you eat like a horse)

I think if a guy ever does this its a Never again!!!


you think you don't want to do it
you think you can't make it
you don't want to be there
then you feel weak and lose...
then you change
you know you want this win
you know you can do it
you want to be there
then you are strong and win...
2008 4 by 400 State Champions!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Holdaway Ghost!!!!!!!

The Holdaway Ghost is a little person who roams around our house and does little tricks and such...These are some of the little deeds the "Ghost did"
  • Wiping not just one booger on our walls. One in our bedroom and one in the living room
  • They riped my scriptures
  • They stole the keys to the camper so we couldn't go camping
  • Wiped chocolate on my mirror
  • They broke one of the candles and got us all in trouble for not confessing

So are you wondering who ended up being the Holdaway Ghost? They are more than one person they are...

  • Josie Holdaway
  • Taylor Holdaway
  • Jordi Holdaway
  • Crue Holdaway

Notice that most of these youngsters are not my siblings. They are my dear cousins that get me in trouble a lot of the time. But i still love them dearly, luckily i think the Holdaway Ghost has died for the time being...Until Charli gets older:/

My Date with A College Guy

"I got you a date with this college guy." These are the words i read in the text my sister sent me on wednesday. Sweet this will be fun i thought. I was wrong. First they picked me up and he was laughing at nothing. Then he told me what we would be doing for that night. Me and Andra would be acting as their girlfriends from California. Our names would be Cierra and Angel. This, they thought, would be an extremely funny April Fool's joke. So we were on our way there and my date Chris said, "Let's ride this cop." then he laughed his odd laugh. "Then us and our girlfriends would go to jail." I thought i am Not your girlfriend. Then he told me about his fasinating job as manager for his high school volleyball team. Then we got to the place and he told all of his friends that we were their girlfriends. Then we watched the Furious Five aka sequel to Kong Fu Panda and he quothed THE WHOLE movie. He also asked me if he could put his arm around me and acted like we weren't just pretending. Then he told all of his friends that me and him did it!!!! EW!!!!! then he did a stupid Kong Fu Panda dance. The only good thing i got was icecream and i can say i dated a college guy:)

Our Cats!

Cats are not my favorite animal. They rub on you and just lay around so i just don't like them. Last summer, we got some great news! Our two cats were pregnant! oh joy. One day my sister and i were just chilling outside when i happened to notice our cats bum. it had red blood all over it and my sister was petting it! Gross! lick your bottom! So i grabbed Charli and washed her hands and set out to find the kittens. i found them, but i was NOT going to touch the little premature things, so i ordered Josie to: and she did:) haha About a week after i casually walked out our front door, when i saw our cat in our flower pot giving birth to her cats...well that was thoughtful. Could the cat not go somewhere private? I mean giving birth is kind of sacred. So again i commanded Josie to move them elsewhere and she did. Now we have 12 cats!! Now they are grown and 4 have died, but no worries our cats are pregnant...AGAIN!!!