Friday, May 22, 2009

The Strange Actions of Hali Furness

Hali was having a very hard day today and she did a couple of really weird things. This is why her life "sucks"
  • She said her life sucks
  • She misses the seniors
  • She can't make a freakin basket
  • She sobbed and fell on the floor
  • She got a freakin paper caught on the freakin light
  • Her freakin necklace got caught in her hair and made a big knot in her hair
  • Her final is at her house
  • She got paper in her hair because she had to clean the freakin light

Poor Hali obviously had a hard day today:) haha

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Describing My Family

If i could describe my family in one word it would day some of us are happy and some of us are grumpy and then it switches around. Now i'll describe each of my family members with one word
  • Dad-Sarcastic (both nice and mean)
  • Mom- Patient
  • Andra-Witty
  • Josie-Stubborn
  • Maci-Spoiled
  • Charli-Energetic

I love my family very much:)

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Sister that gets me in trouble

I am very close with my older sister Andra. But sometimes she can be pretty bossy and deceitful. One day when i was about 3 or 4 my older sister Andra and I were just lying in bed one night. Andra was about 6 or 7 so i thought she was pretty cool. She said, "Hey Alli why don't you go and ask mom if we can watch Hercules?" I thought that was a terrific idea and even though my mom had already put us to bed i went upstairs to ask her if we could watch it.
"No its late and we don't have that movie," my mom told me. "Go to bed."
Well that made me feel a little sad, so i went back to bed. i told andra what my mom had said and she said oh. She then said, "Go and ask mom if we can watch Pocahontas." After she said this i was pretty sure that we didn't have Pocahontas. I told Andra this and she said, "Mom just bought it today." Oh wow! i didn't know that! i was so excited so i went upstairs and asked my mom if we could watch Pocahontas.
"We don't have that show Alli," my mom said. "Now go to bed and don't come up again or you will get a spankin.
I was heartbroken after this one, so i went downstairs and told andra. i told her that i couldn't go up again because i didn't want to get in trouble. we sat there for a while when she said. "Go and ask mom if we can watch Sleeping Beauty." Now as a youngster i was a big fan of Sleeping Beauty. She was my all time favorite princess and i loved her show. This time i knew for sure that we didn't have this one because i would've watched it a lot. I told andra that but she told me that my mom had just gotten it today. Being a naiive little 3 year old who loved princesses, i ran upstairs and asked my mom if i could watch Sleeping Beauty. My mom said no we didn't have that show and i was going to get a spankin. I did in fact get a spankin and went to bed crying.
Andra of course didn't feel bad and did other things to trick my innocent mind.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Thoughts of Someone Realizing Their Zipper is Undone

  • Last time i did one of these i did the thoughts of someone picking their nose. This time i'll do the thoughts of someone realizing that their zipper is undone.

Oh man that guy was cute. Well i better go to class. -Looks done and see that her zipper is wide open- cows are getting out of the correl, bats are flying out of the cave, xyz , 2319, yeah like a baby opening their mouth for a bite of food

Oh my Gosh!! I can't believe i didn't pull my zipper up! i hope that guy didn't notice. -Hurries and gets books and holds them in front of the open zipper, she's looking around as she walks. Then when she gets in class she slouches a little in her seat so the zipper is straight. Then she looks around to see if people are watching her. when they aren't she hurries and pulls up the zipper and sticks it up at the top to make sure it never happens again!!

  • This is always embarrassing when this happens, and it has happened to me before.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Breaking Rakes

I have broken many things in my short lifetime. Most of the things i have broken are farming equipment that belongs to my father. I'm not a very good raker, but i never quit!:) Here are some stories...
  1. One day i was raking a field at about 2 or 3 in the morning. It was very dark and i couldn't see anything except for the hay ahead of me. So while i was turning around, i didn't realize i was straddling the dike.
  2. Another one is when i was raking some wet hay and my dad was baling behind me. I was doing good that day, but then i tried to fit between the telephone pole and the canal. This didn't work very good and my rake bounced up on the canal. When it came back down one of the rakes was bent in half. My dad was ticked so he told me to go and switch andra rakes. While i was one my way there, i hit my dad's baler with my rakes.
  3. My last experience that i will share is when i was pulling my rakes apart, i accidently forgot to pull my rakes apart the farthest that they could go. I then flung my rakes into each other and got them stuck together. This was really expensive to fix, but its better now.:)

there are many other times that i have broken equipment, but i just won't share them all.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Favorite Foods

I love food! I think it is the most amazing thing that is on the are my top 5 favorite breakfasts...
  1. Rolled up pancakes
  2. Buttermilk pancakes
  3. Eggs, bacon, and orange juice
  4. German Pancakes
  5. Waffles

I also love dinner!

  1. Spaghetti
  2. Steak and potatoes(any meat with potatoes)
  3. Chicken and potatoes
  4. Aggie Chicken
  5. Burritoes

I also love DESSERT!!!!

  1. Volcano cakes
  2. Warm chocolate cookies
  3. Darn Good chocolate cake
  4. Brownies
  5. Caramel Cakes

400 Mondays

400 Mondays are the worst days of the week. All you do is run around the track and try to get the same time ever time.(But we do this 8 times) They usually aren't too bad, but yesterdays was complete torture. After the first one, i could tell that today was going to be a long day. When we got to about the 150 meter mark. My legs were jello and they wouldn't move at all. Then my chest started to hurt from breathing at about the 3rd one and my shoulder was aching. Our coach kept telling us to run it off, but i couldn't give anymore. After the 4th one, we finally got to go and get a drink. While we were inside, my eyelids wouldn't stay up and i couldn't walk very steadily. We came back and did the 5th one, which wasn't very good. The 6th one is where i finally fell apart. I almost started crying when people would talk to me and i felt like i couldn't do 2 more. Amazingly i did, and i almost crying because i was so happy that we were done. These are the workouts that are going to help me to get to state.